Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Well.... it's January 30th so here I go!

I had a really hard time getting myself motivated to make the appointment for today, but I'm goin in!  Part of it for me is that I HATE needles, and I know if my dermatologist sees any weird spots it means needles.  I think I'd rather go another round of the topical chemo than take a shot.  I'm a wuss.

My life has been totally busy, my husband has had kidney failure and needs a transplant, I'm teaching full time, taking care of our house, three boys etc.  I can think of a million excuses to avoid this appointment today, but the fact is that it's important.  Very important.  I'd much rather keep up with this stuff than find out it's gotten out of hand and I could die.  My youngest is only 4, he needs me around for awhile, especially now with my husband's illness.  So... hi ho hi ho it's off to my dermatologist I go.  I'll update you all soon of course.  Cross your fingers, toes, legs, arms etc for me!!!