Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Round 4 - Day 2 - Made it Through My Son's Graduation!

Today was my last day of school before my oldest son's graduation tonight.  I had a lot to get done before I could leave for the summer, so I was really busy getting everything squared away so that I could make it out in time to get to his graduation.  I was too busy to notice my face.

 I didn't wear makeup today, but I did tonight.  It didn't seem to irritate me, but I washed my face before applying it.  I did not wash my face this morning since I read that Carac cream is time released.  A friend of mine has treated patches on her face a few times with it, and told me that she washes it off in the morning.  Her doctor told her she could.  Mine didn't tell me one way or the other, so I will spend time tomorrow looking that up.  Tomorrow is the last day my mom will be here.  She's never been with me through a treatment, which would be awesome, but I'll manage.  Still hopeful that maybe with this different medication it won't be so bad.  Today my face feels fine, with just the lightest hint of pink starting to come out.

Day 2, after my first pre bedtime dose of Carac .5% cream