Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 2 - So Far So Good

Yesterday was worse for me than today.  I think I was expecting to look horrible sooner, today, I think my skin actually looks more clear than yesterday. By the way, the exact topical chemotherapy medication I'm using is Fluorouracil Cream, USP 5%,which my pharmacist substiutued for EFUDEX 5% cream.

 I'm trying to get my life ready for the rough days to come.  I owed my oldest son some one on one mom time this summer, so I took him out last night.  Then we went to Target to get stuff I will need. I asked the pharmacist at Target to recommend a moisturizer to relive the pain and dryness for when it gets bad and she recommended Aquaphor by Eucerin.  She also said that Clinque makes a really good product, but I forget what it's called.  I'll have to go get some of that too. She told me her father was getting ready to have this treatment on a spot on his head, when she realized I am having it on my entire face, she looked a little horrified. Anyway, I'm trying to have all this stuff on hand so that I don't have to go out and frighten the public when I need it.

My oldest suggested that the next time I have to do this treatment, I time it over Halloween so I can be Freddy Kreuger.  I don't know where he gets it. 

At Target I purchased a box of rubber gloves to apply the Fluorouracil with.  It's recommended that you wear gloves, or wash your hands really well after applying.  The goal here is to remove the skin from my face, not my hands.  It also says keep it away from metal.....hmmm?  Ooops, science geek coming out, sorry!  I put a pea sized glob on my finger, dab it on my cheek bones, forehead nose and chin then smear that goop allover until it's rubbed in evenly.  The pea sized amount seems to be plenty, I have to admit, it may be just a tad bit bigger than a pea, but no where near a grape size amount.  Official medical terminology is obviously used here as well.

The worst part so far, not wearing makeup!  At the bare minimum I do not leave my house without concealer on.  I look like a bum, nothing really looks wrong yet, it just looks like I didn't put make up on. It looks totally unprofessional at my gallery, but I don't really want to explain to my customers why I look like I should be wearing curlers and stretch pants to match my face.  I am wearing eye liner and mascara today, which seems silly, but it makes me feel so much more beautiful.  I realized how stupid it was to even look at cute shades up lipstick etc, because when my face is one big oozing scab who seriously is going to be like, "Wow!  I love that lipstick!".  I loaded up on Carmex and the strongest kind of lip stuff I could find, I'm not putting the Fluorouracil on my lips, but I've read that dryness and dehydration can get a little bad, and my goal here is to stay comfortable.

Another mistake, I got my hair cut  and although I love the cut,  it was a huge mistake.  Ideally I would be able to put it in a ponytail, but it's too short.  I bought a bunch of headbands and clips to keep it back, but it keeps fighting for freedom and falling into my slightly sensitive face.  This is already annoying me, but  I am determined not to cut it off too short.  The worse part should only be for a couple of weeks, and I can make it.  Whether I cut it off short or not, this going to suck.

I think I should be fine for the wedding I'm photographing this Saturday.  I definitely made a good choice not to wait until the day after to start my treatment.  I guess I feel a bit better today, it's really like nothing at all so far, yet I know what is to come.  The calm before the storm....just like a hurricane.

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