Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Round 3 - Measles - Application Days 11, 12 and 13

Day 13 Application Phase - Sleeping Beauty.  I'm sleeping my days away from the pain meds and up late at night which is ok with me.  I've had two friends tell me I look like I have measles.  I went out this am to pick my oldest up at the airport, put gas in my car, then had to get straight home, because even with the pain medication I was feeling it.  I only have 3 more applications to go, one tonight, then two tomorrow.  I'm hoping by next weekend I'll be feeling and looking a bit better.  It's a little to stingy for me to read and not think about it, but I'm discovering TV, which I never watch. Survival shows are entertaining, today it's naked and afraid.  I hate to think about the places these people might have to apply Fluorouracil someday!  Using lots and lots of Carmex and EOS, my lips look like they are rotting off.  Sexy!
Round 3- Application Day 13 - June 14, 2015

Day 12 Application Phase - Thank G-d for my friends.  My medication is causing me to sleep a lot.  I hardly ever watch tv, but today when I was awake I watched Alaskan survival shows and ate Popsicles with the AC cranked.  That helped.  Seeing sunlight, and tanned people actually makes my face feel hot.  My lips are in bad shape, and the Popsicles help so much.  I thought I had overstocked on them, but they are only 20 calories each, so I'm chain eating them.  My wounds are oozing now, and I noticed I was oozing onto my pillow case last night.  I used to by white sheets.  Of course my face would ooze, crack and bleed, stick to it, etc and I'd ruin my pillow cases.  Over the past year I've changed to dark colored sheets and I'm so happy, no visible nasty marks on them in the morning, though I'll still need to change them.  At least I didn't ruin a whole set of linens.  One friend brought me over a Starbuck's Frappucinno, then another brought me an Icee later in the evening.  These are pretty much all I'm eating at this point, and they were wonderful.  I didn't really want to go out in the heat to get them, and my face obviously draws attention now.  

Round 3 - Application Day 12 - June 13, 2015

Day 11 Application Phase -  Later in the afternoon I took my son to a friend's house where he could go swimming.  It's very hot today.  Just breaking a light sweat stings, so I could only sit in the shade for 10 minutes or so, then I'd have to either switch places with my friend, watch from indoors, or bring my son in for a few minutes.  The pain killers help, but not completely.  Hot food, even temperature hot sounds terrible to me.  I'm living on Popsicles and cool drinks.  It's much easier to go out after dark.
Round 3 - Application Day 11, June 12, 2015


  1. I'm grateful for your blog and for the fact that i will have to apply the 'cream' to only one small spot above my lip! I know this is too personal, but i read your husband was in kidney failure and never mentioned again. Then a year or so later, i saw something about your boyfriend. I'm just hoping you didn't go through any tragedies while you were undergoing this sucfering.

  2. I'm grateful for your blog and for the fact that i will have to apply the 'cream' to only one small spot above my lip! I know this is too personal, but i read your husband was in kidney failure and never mentioned again. Then a year or so later, i saw something about your boyfriend. I'm just hoping you didn't go through any tragedies while you were undergoing this sucfering.

  3. Thank you for your journal. My dermatologist prescribed a 28 day 5% treatment regime for my scalp saying only that I will experience "some irritation and redness". I quit on day three after reading your account, so that I can reset after my upcoming sailing camp. That would have been a disaster to be on the salt water for five days between day 8 and 12 of treatment.
