A daily journal and photographs of my topcial chemotherapy treatment for precancerous areas on my face and the healing process involved.
Underneath it all

I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Day 10 Oh Ya, I Forgot
Last night a few of my customers thought I had a sunburn at first, some made comments about me getting burned. I just politely and honestly explained why I looked like this. Sometimes I forget I look they way I do, then I see myself in the mirror and have kind of a wow, oh ya moment.
My Father in Law is healing from his surgery, they don't know the results of it yet, so we are all praying for him.
I seem to be cracking and crusting a bit. Some spots on my face are really white, or turning brownish, I don't know what that means. I'm more inflamed than ever, but the pain is slacking off a bit at times. The ibuprofen helps a lot. I put Aquifer on my face yesterday, which is like Vaseline. I never put anything greasy on my face and don't know that I can handle doing that again. Carmex is like the best thing in the universe. I get a few looks from people now and then, but it really doesn't bother me. I opened the shop all day, I'm out and about just about as much as normal, if it bothers others, they're doing a good job of concealing it. I think I must be close to the bad part, and after 3 kids and other things in life, I can say this is something I can handle. It's irritating, but no where near unbearable.
I hear when I'm all healed my skin is going to look great. I bet there are some of those women who are all into plastic and Botox, who would pay big money for this "peel" lol. I guess I won't need any of those since I'm getting this every few years the rest of my life. There is good in nearly every situation if you look hard enough. Sometimes it takes the bad to really appreciate how good a normal day can be.
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