A daily journal and photographs of my topcial chemotherapy treatment for precancerous areas on my face and the healing process involved.
Underneath it all

I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Day 11 Road Rash
Last night was terrible. I've become pretty good at pushing the pillow back out of my face, while I sleep with my face in the air, but the edges touch my face a bit, especially on the down side. Last night was the worst night for pain and a new issue.....sticking to the pillow case. I'm starting to scab over, I'm very peely, cracked and I even ooze on occasion. I didn't fall asleep until after 4 AM because I couldn't stand the prickly pain the pillow would cause, or the even worse sensation, the sticking to it from an oozing part of my face. Those really soft pillow cases I bought have a few blood spots on them this AM, and at this point I don't think soft even matters. I also had to take 4 ibuprofen which is too many. My husband is insisting I call the Dr. for pain medication, but I'll try to hold out a bit longer.
Once when roller blading I was nearly hit by a car. I avoided the car and went down on the pavement, in shorts, of course. Road Rash. The wound on my leg was nasty, the first few nights before it had scabbed over completley it would stick to the sheets. This is what my face is reminding me of now. I know it looks bad, but it seems funny I don't really care about that so much. It's very uncomfortable. My face feels like I was drug on the asphalt for a block. Will I do this again? Of course, it's still tolerable, just annoying. Forgive me if I'm a little short tempered lately, everything seems to be wearing on my nerves more than usual, but I think it's pretty understandable given the state of my face.
My little blog here has had over 200 views from around the world already. Wow and Thanks! I don't know how to say hi in Arabic, so "hi". I hope all this helps some of you. It's not fun, but it's really not that bad. Trust me if I can do this, you can do it too. I'm a total wuss!
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Christina, thank you so much for sharing this journey. It's very eye-opening and a great lesson to others. With your permission, I'd like to use one of your photos in a blog I'm writing as a hard-nosed piece on before-after affects of "just skin cancer." Please let me know of this is okay. (PS...I'm the guy from "Black is the New Pink")