Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Healing Day 8, Peeling Cracking and Lots of Pain

Aren't I a pretty sight?  The increased dose of pain medication does little to control the pain at times.  I don't know why, but the pain seems to be worse at night.  I'm peeling a bit, and if you look at this photo you can see where my cheek has split.   My flesh is too tender to use even a washcloth on, it just comes off. 

My friends are wonderful.  I'm in a Mardi Gras group with a bunch of my girlfriends.  I went to a function last night at one of their homes.  When I'm with my friends, it seems they quickly adjust and I'm just me, it's like they don't see the mess of my face.  That makes me feel better.  I don't mind at all when people ask me about it, but it's also nice to forget about it sometimes too.  Laughing hurts sometimes, but it makes me feel better inside. 

Work has really worn me out more than usual today.  I'm worrying about orientation tomorrow morning when I will meet many of my new students and their families.  I hate to have people meet me like this.  I'm excited about the new school year though, and I just keep trying to keep my focus on the positive future, I try really hard not to think about my future treatments.  At least according to the Dr., I don't think they will put me through them until I am in this bad of shape again.  I'm on day 3 of the steroids.  I'm suppose to gain weight on them, but I will fight this battle first, then worry about getting my weight back off. 

Anyway, hoping I'm not scarred for life after this.  I have another wedding to photograph Saturday at the beach this time.  I was suppose to be pretty much healed by this point, but I still have two more days and maybe the steroids will kick in and do some kind of miracle.  The sunlight and heat still hurt really bad.  I'll have to wear a good hat Saturday.  I heard something today about a cure or new treatment for skin cancer.  Wouldn't that be great!!


  1. Your skin here reminds me of a sunburn i got on my face when i was 18 and fell asleep pn the beach with one side of my face in the sun. Now i'm struggling to remember if it was the side of my face that i now have cancer on.

  2. Hi there!! My husband is starting the same treatment today. How are you feeling and is your face back to normal??
