Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Round Two: Day 13 You Crack Me Up!!

Day 13 - July 20, 2014
The pain and burning is becoming severe, I went and just sat in the living room last night because I couldn't sleep.  I'm taking Hydrocodone, but it was not enough.  Normally I don't take any medication at all, and when I do they seem to work really well on me.  The pain is just really severe right now.  Best description I can give is it feels like bee stings. My face is actually much more red than these photos show. I've been lazy and using my iPhone for the photos.  I'll try to take a few with my real camera tomorrow which should show it better.  I have a lot of red under my eyebrows which makes me glad I treated that area. Since I was a teenager I have always invested in good sunglasses and worn them faithfully.  I'm kind of shocked at the damage under my eyebrows, and concerned that perhaps my eyes have been exposed to more sunlight than I would have liked as well. I also treated the top portion of my neck, back to my ears with fluorouracil.  I now have some bright red patches in those areas as well. 
Notice the marks around my upper nose where my glasses rested.  I've stopped wearing them because of this, I'm wearing my contacts instead.  I take my contacts in and out between treatments when the medication is off of my face.  The nosepiece on my glasses is plastic, not metal, so I was not concerned, but obviously it reacted with the medication.
I've started cracking.  Especially around my mouth.  If I smile, laugh, sneeze or yawn I crack.  I chose to watch a really funny movie last night. I laughed so hard that not only did I crack up, literally, the tears burned my cheeks like acid.  Good times.  I don't want to eat anything that is salty like chips because I'm afraid to get salt or spices in the cracks in my lips.    I tried to logically talk myself out of this morning's treatment, remembering what my doctor said at the end of my last round.  My boyfriend reminded me that the doctor was aware of my past and knew what he was doing when he once again prescribed me 2x a day for 14 days. 
Today is National Ice Cream Day.  I think I'm down with that.  Only two more treatments.


  1. Oh Christina, I'm so sorry your in pain but your almost in stage 4. The one your in now was like bee stings! Like razor blade cuts at time! Hang in there.
    A funny, Ill share....
    At stage 3 and looking my worst as you can see from my pics, my husband had to be rushed to the hospital one morning by ambulance and I had to follow them in my car. The hospital was 45 minutes away so I didn't come home but stayed with him at the hospital. In the ER and even in his room, every person, Doctor, Nurse, and Aid that came in his room would look over at me and I could see in their face expressions that I was pretty scary looking. But, they never asked what happened to me and I never offered any reason but acted like I looked like this all the time. Well, the third day, my husband asked me if I would go to McCalisters Deli down past the hospital and get him some tea. I would NOT have gone otherwise but he was in the hospital, so as a good wife I went. I prayed all the way that no one would notice and that the deli would not be crowded as it usually was. I walked in and to my surprise....no one, just the clerk. She went to say can I help you and there it was....the look. What happened she ask and I just answered very softly, " I just left the hospital". Lol...she never said another word, handed me my tea and said No charge, its on me.
    You can tell the teachers at the conference that you just left the hospital....

    1. I am going though the treatment right now and I am on my first round of treatment on day 18, it itches and it is painful. Does this really work. why did you have to do 2 rounds of the cream? Why do they say 30 treatments? I have been wearing makeup to cover my face because I still have to work in be in public. Is this going to effect my treatment? Could some one please email me I would love to talk more in detail with you that have gone through this already. I feel all alone. I could really use some support from those that have already been though this if your willing to talk with me that would be greatly appreciated.
      Thanks please email me at : jwinner2@zoominternet.net
