Underneath it all

Underneath it all
I took the color out and you can still see me behind all the red.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Round Two: Day 14 - I Did It! Kinda...

Day 14 - July 21, 2014
I finished my last dose of Fluorourcil 5% torture cream!!  My lips only hurt if anything, and I mean ANYTHING touches them.  I got behind on my pain meds today, took another dose, and hope that they kick in soon.  Will I do this again?  Yep, still beats the heck out of having things cut off my face, or worse.  Could this have been avoided?  Yep.  What would I do differently?  Avoid tanning beds like the plague, wear a strong SPF daily, forget about tanning.  
I played Lego Star Wars on the Xbox today with my little guy.  I had a blast killing droids with him.  Soon, he can hug me again normally without having to stay away from my face.  That's horrible to have to keep your kids at a distance when you want to hold them and snuggle their sweet little faces.  Mostly it was from not wanting to expose him to the medication, not so much the pain, but in the next few days I know that will be the major factor.   Hopefully I'm healed up before August 11 when I go back to work.
Tomorrow is my countywide workshop.  I should have some interesting stories to share with you.  

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing. It makes my trip down the same road more doable.
